Our Farm

VISION: To play a leading role in reducing poverty through integrated farming methods and agro-tourism.

We Have One Goal

To ProvideThe Highest Quality
Organic Products and Services.

Bee Farming

Bee farming does not require a lot of land and the hive can produce many products highly demanded for their medicinal and food values. The improved hives will increase production of honey and other products  such as pollen, propolis, royal jelly, bee wax and venom.


KRIFS through Jenni farm has moved a step further to include special agro-tourism in Kitagwenda District. This is intended to give a spcial treat to the tourists through four categories. First, tourists visit a number of farm sections of Jenni Farm sections of Jenni Farm and are involved in daily farm activities. This involves visitor participating in agricultural activities within the household


Coffee provides exceptionally great quantities of pollen and nectar for the bees due to multiple flowering. Coffee in some cases is inter-planted with bananas


Agro-forestry increases the nectar and pollen for the bees by reducing the distance covered by the bees in collecting the same raw materials for honey and other hive products. The fruit trees increase production of fruits. The trees also provide shade for the coffee while at the same time increase forage for the zero-grazed animals such as goats.

Agro-forestry involves inter-planting coffee with trees for provision of shade for the coffee and forrage for the zero-grazed goats. Fruit trees that are planted include: Vacados (Perseaamericana), Mangoes (Mangiferaindica), Guavas (Psidiumguajava), Soursop or Graviola (Annona muricata), Date palm trees (Phonenix dactylifera) and Jack fruits (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam)


The livestock (goats, cattle and pigs) feed on conserved, planted and maintained plants. Their excreta is used as organic manure for the crops. It is used to increase yields.

Grown With Love on Our Farms


Mrs. Tumushabe Jennifar Tumwine
Assoc. Prof. Fredrick Ruguma Tumwine

Founding Farmer